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About Us

Just like any good story, the story of crystals throughout history has had its ups and downs. Behind each magnificent shiny rock that Kings and Queens used to wear as a symbol of their status, there were people who had to put in a lot of hard work to provide them with such luxury. Work that often went unrewarded. As time went by and industry progressed, the problems around crystals only seemed to pile up. From unfair wages to all kinds of ecological disasters, such as gas emissions, water pollution, erosion, and more. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver crystals of the highest purity to people from all around the world, help them channel their powers to achieve their life goals while treating everyone included in the process with decency and having minimum impact on our mother Earth.

All of our crystals are ethically sourced, and put on beautiful rings made from 100% recycled silver. We offer our customers ethically sourced products to their home so we can avoid traditional markups and provide quality jewelry for fair prices. 

Every Journey Has a Beginning

2020 was a changing year for all of us. It seems like overnight, every aspect of the world was transformed. The brand was born at the same challenging time as our second baby, cute little girl Dora, who was a light in the darkness, a synonym of a new empowered life! 

The essence of Dora Jewelry is to help you feel what we felt when we needed it the most. The reconnection to heart and passion. Rekindling of love and friendship. The purity of joy, happiness, and tenderness to the world. The pure soul of a kid, could be a cure for everyone. Dora is just a reminder that life is beautiful.


Your Destination

Each crystal has a story of its own, and each one has a different journey for you. 

The healing powers of crystals manifest themselves in all kinds of ways. It could be love, happiness, harmony, spiritual elevation, focus, luck, relaxation, health, energy, or something else entirely.

There is one thing we can promise. If you put your mind to it, you will arrive at your destination. Your connection with the crystal will guide you, and keep you on the right path.

Just like we did, you will know once you’re there. And when you look back, you’ll come to the same realization as we did. The journey was the destination all along.

A question? Write to us at [email protected]

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How would you know what size to get? Lucky you! It’s easy!

Measure a ring you own

1. Pick a ring that fits on your desired finger.

2. Measure the inside diameter of the ring in mm.

3. Use the chart below to determine your size

Inside Diameter (MM)USA &

Need help finding your perfect size? We’ll gladly assist you, just send us an email on [email protected]